Anyone read Coupland?

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Nicky Driscoll
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Anyone read Coupland?

Post by tony » Aug 14th 2002, 8:03 am

I was just wondering if anyone's read any of Douglas Couplands books?

His writing has a certain quality that I just love, especially his earlier works which were more about everyday people and their lives (unlike his new works which are about slightly less-then-normal people and their lives ;)).

Here's a short quote from one of my favourites, Life After God:

"Sometimes I think the people to feel the saddest for are people who are unable to connect with the profound -- people such as my boring brother-in-law, a hearty type so concerned with normality and fitting in that he eliminates any possibility of uniqueness for himself and his own personality. I wonder if some day, when he is older, he will wake up and the deeper part of him will realize that he has never allowed himself to truly exist, and he will cry with regret and shame and grief.

And then sometimes I think the people to feel saddest for are people who once knew what profoundness was, but who lost or became numb to the sensation of wonder -- people who closed the doors that lead us into the secret world -- or who had the doors closed for them by time and neglect and decisions made in times of weakness"

More info/quotes can be found at

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Post by StrawberryGirl » Aug 14th 2002, 10:20 am

wow- was that me talking about MY boring brother-in-law? :wink: I've never read Coupland, but it sounds pretty good, I'll have to check it out- Thanks for the tip.

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